The Central Agency for Continuing Vocational Education and Training in the Skilled Crafts (ZWH) is a nationwide service institution for all craft training centres. It is supported by the Chambers of Skilled Crafts, the regional Chambers of Skilled Crafts and the Central Association of German Skilled Crafts (ZDH). The task of the ZWH is promoting vocational qualification in the skilled crafts.
We are committed to education worldwide and carry out both international education projects and projects that promote European exchange. We are particularly committed to promoting dual vocational training and advanced vocational training in Germany and abroad.
Our commitment includes advising our members as well as clients from Germany and abroad on the internationalization of the German system of dual vocational education and training. In doing so, we draw on our many years of experience in the implementation of projects and assignments at national and international level. Through our large network, also beyond the skilled crafts organization, we have direct access to the know-how in the field of excellent dual vocational training.
Gain an insight into our versatile expertise!
We have been working with Chinese partners on various vocational training projects and contracts for over 10 years.
We offer an innovative seminar for the joint qualification of company trainers, school-based vocational training staff, and management staff of vocational training institutions abroad.
In 2019, we carried out the GIZ project “Vocational Training in the Bricklaying Trade in Kosovo” together with the Chamber of Skilled Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria. The further training of 18 building craftsmen as “qualified vocational trainers in the bricklaying trade” was at the heart of the project. In addition to their construction skills, the building craftsmen also expanded their methodological competencies as trainers, and thus acquired modern know-how in training young people in the bricklaying profession. In addition, the participants took part in a trip to Upper Bavaria to gain firsthand experience in dual vocational training at the vocational training centers of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in Traunstein and Weilheim.
Together with our partner, the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses (Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks), we pursued the overarching goal of supporting the establishing and further development of structures for international cooperation in vocational education and training, using the skilled crafts sector as an example. For this reason, the SCIVET project focused on developing and introducing an overarching quality framework for international vocational training cooperation, taking the skilled crafts sector as an example.
As part of its economic reform, the Rivers State Government in Nigeria pursued the goal of increasing employment in the country. To this end, skilled workers are trained in the skilled crafts in such a way that they are enabled to use their qualifications to become self-employed or to be employed as skilled workers. To cover the needs of Rivers State, the focus was placed on the professions of bricklayer, tiler, electronics technician, plant engineer (focus: solar technology), and metal worker (focus: welding technology).
On behalf of the Rivers State Ministry of Education, we coordinated the establishing of an education center for the qualification of the aforementioned professions in the Nigerian megacity of Port Harcourt.
As part of the programme “Erasmus+, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training” funded by the European Union, we launched the project “European Trainer Teacher Tandem (ETT Tandem)” in cooperation with five partner organizations. We took over the project coordination in the international pilot project with partners from Denmark, Greece, Italy, Austria, and Spain.
The Erasmus+ programme aimed to improve the quality of vocational education and training in Europe. In addition to promoting individual mobility, the programme also focused on the emergence of strategic partnerships of organizations in the European VET landscape to create closer links between school education and practical training.
On behalf of the Rivers State Ministry of Education, we coordinated the establishing of an education center for the qualification of the aforementioned professions in the Nigerian megacity of Port Harcourt.
Please contact:
Luise Maudanz
T +49 211 302009-737
Qualification for in-company trainers, vocational school teachers and managers of vocational training institutions.
Zentralstelle für die
Weiterbildung im Handwerk (ZWH)
Sternwartstraße 27–29
40223 Düsseldorf
T 0211 302009-0
F 0211 302009-99
Büro Berlin
Mohrenstraße 20–21
10117 Berlin