We support institutions responsible for examinations in vocational training as well as state and private vocational training institutions in the introduction and implementation of action-oriented examinations.
In cooperation with experts from the German skilled crafts sector and our clients, we create the basis for an effective exam-ination system, regulate the responsibilities for examinations by law, improve the comparability of examinations, and in-crease the state recognition of qualifications.
Action-oriented examination tasks help to ensure that candidates are assessed under the same conditions, that examina-tion results are more comparable, and that the content of the examinations realistically reflects operational practice. The development of examiner skills ensures that examinations are carried out in accordance with defined standards. This also includes the ability of the examiners to provide the examinations in a legally compliant and competent manner in accord-ance with the country-specific conditions. This makes the examination results more comprehensible and comparable.
An infrastructure has been developed and introduced that encompasses the tasks, responsibilities, structures, and legal framework of an audit system.
Action-oriented examination tasks for basic or advanced training are created based on a defined job profile with specific examination requirements.
A pool of action-oriented examination tasks for several basic or advanced training courses has been developed and made available in a central examination task database.
All processes of the examination procedure can be carried out in an online examination system.
Training concepts and materials for the development of examiner skills have been developed in order to be able to carry out examinations properly and in accordance with the rules.
Training courses including materials for the development of examiner skills have been developed and carried out in order to be able to carry out examinations properly and in accordance with the rules.
30- to 90-minute presentations (including question and answer sessions) on „Quality management systems“ are prepared and held in person or online.
Duration: 02/2023 – 01/2025
Partners: Arbeit und Leben Hamburg e. V., University of Osnabrück
Förderung: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – WiSoVET
The aim is to develop examination and certification models as well as suitable instruments within the framework of dual vocational training courses in Costa Rica. National standards are being defined and tested. The piloting of the developed models will start in the dual training courses „Web Development“ and „Electrical Engineering“. We are responsible for the latter in collaboration with the South Thuringia Chamber of Skilled Crafts. Together, we are re-sponsible for the content design and implementation of a series of workshops on the planning and implementation of examinations and certification. Furthermore, all relevant partners for the examination system in electrical engi-neering will be made fit for this. Specifically, this includes the development and implementation of the content, methods, instruments, and tasks required for a standardized state-wide testing procedure. We also provide opera-tional support in the implementation of dual initial training in electrical engineering, maintain contact with all stake-holders, and help to attract companies and trainees to dual training.
Date: 04/2023
Location: online | Suqian, Shanghai, Mont Blanc International Education Consulting
Together with the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Ostwestfalen-Lippe zu Bielefeld, we evaluated the vocational pedagog-ical skills of 24 Chinese teachers in April 2023 and trained 28 experts for future examination boards. The basis for the evaluation was a five-day vocational pedagogical training course using the example of a course in the field of „electrical automation“, which we conducted online in March 2023. The evaluations took place both virtually and in Suqian and Shanghai and included the observation of an action-oriented teaching unit with a following feedback discussion. As part of the three-day examiner training course in Shanghai, the examination staff were trained to de-velop and conduct activity-based examinations independently.
Kindly note that we are currently unable to fulfill any requests with China.
Duration: 2009 – 2013
Location: Region Shanghai
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
We have introduced quality assurance processes at Chinese vocational schools and trained employees at voca-tional schools as quality management officers and managers.
Kindly note that we are currently unable to fulfill any requests with China.
Do you have any questions or are you interested in our services?
Then please contact us!
Ms. Luise Maudanz
T +49 178 4918753
E lmaudanz@zwh.de
Zentralstelle für die
Weiterbildung im Handwerk (ZWH)
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E info@zwh.de
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