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Get to know us

Further Education.
Skilled Crafts.

„Future – Further Education – Skilled Crafts“ is the mission statement that has been guiding the activities of the ZWH since its foundation in 1998. The ZWH acquired many years of experience in the implementation of vocational training projects and contracts with national and international educational institutions. Thanks to its large network, reaching beyond the skilled crafts sector, the ZWH has access to the know-how of excellent dual vocational training experts and is able to facilitate and guide the adaptation and transfer of results and concepts from the German dual vocational training system to other national education systems.


Die Zentralstelle für die Weiterbildung im Handwerk (ZWH) ist der Bildungsdienstleister für lebenslanges Lernen im Handwerk. Wir unterstützen das Handwerk bei der Weiterentwicklung der beruflichen Bildung und setzen innovative Projekte in den Bereichen Arbeitsmarkt, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit um.

ZWH – operating nationally and internationally

We are committed to education worldwide and carry out both international education projects and projects that promote European exchange. We are particularly committed to promoting dual vocational training and advanced vocational training in Germany and abroad.

Our commitment includes advising our members as well as clients from Germany and abroad on the internationalization of the German system of dual vocational education and training. In doing so, we draw on our many years of experience in the implementation of projects and assignments at national and international level. Through our large network, also beyond the skilled crafts organization, we have direct access to the know-how in the field of excellent dual vocational training.

Have we caught your interest?

We gladly advise you on next steps.

Please contact Ms. Luise Maudanz, Team Lead International Affairs.

Luise Maudanz
T +49 178 4918753